San Jose Water Crew Member Reading Water Meter

Estimated Billing

Estimated Billing Update

September 11, 2020

平台登录将向一些客户发放额外的退款,以反映CPUC和圣何塞市税(UUT)费用的调整. Customers will see this refund on their next bill.

July 24, 2020

Our meter readers were back on the job as of June 1, meaning meter reads were estimated for approximately 2.5 months. Estimates were made using historical data from the same period in 2019. Actual usage, however, can vary from last year for many reasons:

  • More people are living and working from home now
  • The weather was colder and wetter during 2019
  • Warmer weather increases irrigation needs
  • Increased handwashing, dishwashing, laundry, etc. 

有了电表阅读器,平台登录就能获取实际使用量的数据. 很有可能3月/ 4月的账单少了,5月/ 6月的账单多了. If you add the four months together, however, 很有可能它们等于你通常会被收取的费用, but it is lopsided due to the estimate.

To help this situation, 平台登录提供退款给所有客户谁被收取在第三层与下一个账单.  All water charged at this more expensive tier ($6.5545 per CCF) will be recalculated at the lower, second tier rate ($4.9160 per CCF). 这将自动完成,一次性信贷将反映在您的下一个账单.   

In addition to the credit, 在此期间,平台登录还采取了以下措施来支持平台登录的客户:

  • Suspended water shutoffs
  • Suspended all collection activity
  • Suspended collection of customer deposits for new accounts
  • Offered extended payment arrangements

平台登录认为这是一个正确的决定,符合平台登录的核心价值观,也符合当时当地公共卫生指导方针,以确保平台登录的员工得到保护, customers and the community.  This has been an unprecedented time for all of us. 

Meter Reading Resumes

Update: June 17, 2020

COVID-19 has affected our community in profound ways. And, San Jose Water realizes that many of our customers are also impacted.  

为了保护平台登录的员工和社区,DG真人游戏务公司做出了许多调整,其中之一就是将平台登录的运营限制在基本功能上 only. This meant that from March 17 to May 31, our staff were not out in the community reading meters due to safety concerns.  As such, the usage was estimated to calculate your bill covering this period.

电表读数已于6月1日恢复(安全措施已到位),这意味着你的账单不再需要估算. 您收到的账单是基于实际使用情况,并经过调整以反映估计账单的使用情况.

In light of the meter reading change and the shelter-in-place order, some residential customers may find that their usage has reached the third tier.  For these customers, a one-time credit will be issued on their next bill.

When you receive your first bill after your estimated one, 在第三级使用(36+ CCF)中收费的客户将在下次账单中获得抵扣. The third tier usage will be recalculated at the lower second tier rate. 反映这一差异的一次性信用将自动应用于您的下一个账单.

Usage between 7 and 36 CCF is charged $4.9160 per CCF. Usage over 36 CCF is calculated at $6.5545.

Bi-Monthly Tiers and Rates

0 to 6 CCF            $3.2770

7 to 36 CCF         $4.9160

36+ CCF                $6.5545

1 CCF = 748 gallons

例如:如果您在此计费期内使用了40 CCF的水,4 CCF将按6美元收费.5545 per CCF. DG真人游戏务公司将根据您的预估账单的实际仪表读数来查看第一份账单,并以较低的第二份费率重新计算第三份账单.

平台登录将根据第三层和第二层之间的差异计算4 CCF的水(6美元).5545 - $4.9160 = $1.6385 x 4 CCF) ) resulting in a one-time credit of $6.55 on your next bill.

Update: June 1, 2020

As Santa Clara County moves to Phase 2 of its COVID-19 plan, San Jose Water is beginning to resume full operations for some departments. Meter reading, which was suspended on March 17, 2020, will start up again on June 1, 2020 with enhanced safety precautions for our staff.

For customers, this means that estimated billing will end as soon as we start reading your meters.

What happens now if my estimated bill was too high or too low?

When we read your meter after June 1st, your actual usage will be calculated. 账单将自动调整,以反映与估计账单的使用差异.



Example #1

Your account is billed every other month. Your last meter read was 400 on February 18, 2020. The meter read for your April bill was estimated as 418 for 18 units of water.

If your meter read in June is 438, you will be billed for 20 units of water. This is the difference between your current and estimated meter reads.

Example # 2

Your account is billed every other month. Your last meter read was 500 on February 27, 2020. The meter read for your April bill was estimated as 560 for 60 units of water.

If your meter read in June is 550, 您四月的估计账单将被重新计算,电表读数为550,差额将记入您六月的账单. The credit will appear on your bill as a “Bill Correction”.

My usage seems high. Why?

你收到的账单与平台登录上次读取你的水表后的用水量完全一致. 在此期间,你收到了根据你2019年的使用量估算的账单.

But there are a few things that have changed since 2019. The weather in 2019 was cooler and wetter than the same period in 2020. This can cause an increase in outdoor irrigation for 2020.

此外,平台登录中的许多人在就地避难命令期间都呆在家里. 你的室内使用量可能比去年有所增加,因为更多的人呆在家里——学生们正在进行远程学习, people are not travelling for work or pleasure, etc.

What can San Jose Water do to help me use water more efficiently?

Our Water Conservation services are on hold due to COVID-19 safety concerns.

However, there are several ways you can make sure you are using water wisely:

I’m looking at my consumption history on my bill. It shows I used a lot more water this year. Why?

Because of estimated billing between March 17, 2020 and June 1, 2020, your usage recorded during that time on the bill included an estimation. Your actual usage is accurately reflected over two billing periods, not one.

Safety Message as SJW Employees Return to Work

当您在现场看到DG真人游戏务公司的工作人员时,请遵守社交距离规则(相距6英尺). We’re happy to talk to our customers and to share information. But we want everyone to remain safe. We appreciate you following local and national safety guidelines.

Update March 17, 2020

Beginning March 17, 2020, 圣克拉拉县公共卫生办公室发布了一项法律命令,要求居民在家避难,以帮助减缓COVID-19的传播. 

While our area is under a shelter-in-place order, we are minimizing the number of employees in the field. One step will be to utilize estimated billing.

For most of our customers, 平台登录的抄表员每隔一个月手动抄一次表,然后就会产生一份账单. There are more than 230,000 meters within our service area. 要花整整两个月的时间来读取所有的电表,并产生两个月的账单.

How does estimated billing work?

For most of our customers with a consumption history, DG真人游戏务公司将在同一时间段内查看您前一年的使用情况,以确定您家庭的估计使用量.

When the shelter-in-place order is lifted, we will resume manual reading of your meter for the next billing period. 您的估计使用量和实际使用量之间的任何差异将自动调整在您的账单上.

Why are you estimating my bill?

平台登录之所以采取这一行动,是因为加利福尼亚州和圣克拉拉县下达了就地避难的命令. The order limits any unnecessary activities that could put the public at risk. Our goal is to limit as much interaction with the public as possible.

How can I tell if my bill has been estimated?

There will be a message printed on your bill stating:

In order to uphold social distancing and confinement measures, we will not be reading meters manually. As a result, this is an estimated bill. We appreciate your prompt payment. Please visit for more information.

How long will estimated billing last?

At this time, it will last as long as the shelter-in-place directive. 所有决定都将根据州和县的命令来做出,以保护平台登录的员工, customers and community.

What happens when you start reading meters again?

When we return to manual meter reads, 平台登录将能够确定自上次读取水表以来实际使用了多少水. If your actual usage was less than your estimated usage, you will receive a credit on your bill. If your actual usage was higher than your estimated usage, you will be billed for the difference.

Do I have to pay the estimated bill?

We appreciate your responsiveness to paying your water bill.

如果您在支付账单方面有困难,请通过电子邮件与平台登录的办公室联系 or by phone at (408) 279-7900. We’re here to help you through this difficult time.

Are existing meter reads included on current bills?

Yes, this bill will look exactly the same as a current one. However, it will have a message indicating that it is “estimated.”

How do you estimate my bill if I wasn’t living at this address a year ago?

We look at recent usage and trends within your area or neighborhood.


SJW将继续应对紧急情况和关键需求,确保继续可靠地提供安全和清洁的水.  这就要求平台登录的员工在社区中积极响应这些问题.  当你接近你在现场看到的人时,请尊重社交距离“6英尺”的规定. 感谢您的警惕,请拨打(408)279-7900报告泄漏.




在特殊情况下,DG真人游戏务公司可以估算水表读数. The California Public Utilities Commission states: If, because of unusual conditions or for reasons beyond the utility's control, it is unable to read the customer's meter on the scheduled reading date, 它可以在计费期间向客户收取估计消耗的费用,并在获得读数时进行必要的更正. 此用途的估计消耗量将根据客户先前的使用情况计算, the utility's experience with other customers of the same class in that area, and the general characteristics of the customer's operations. 任何低估或高估客户用电量的调整将反映在第一次定期提交的账单上, and based on an actual reading following the period of inaccessibility.